The Boekentoren is filling up with books again
After an ongoing and thorough renovation, the Boekentoren is being filled up again with books.
These past years, the building has been submitted to large construction and restauration works. This meant that the collection was moved safely to the underground depot, built beneath the Quiet Garden. There's stored over more than 38 km. of material. A small part of that collection, about 8 km. is returning to the tower. But there's more. The tower is being filled with different collections, momentarily stored at 13 locations, scattered around Ghent. It's about time these collections found a new home in the tower.
Moving the collection
The moving started with the collection of the Faculteit Politieke en Sociale Wetenschappen. About 1,3 km. of books and magazines were moved, the rest of the collections will follow in the coming months and years. At the end of the move, foreseen for 2024, there will be stored up to 60 km. of materials, divided between the tower and the underground depot.
Preparing for the move was crucial. The collection was checked, dusted where needed and acid-free packed, thanks to the staff and a collaboration with a shelterd workshop. Each piece was given its own barcode and was ordered by size. The books are being moved in blue boxes, provided with a label that indicates the floor, row, cabinet and shelf where they ought to be stored. This allows for a smooth move.
The first steps are taken.
The books are coming home.
What's in the Boekentoren?
Books! But also magazines, manuscripts, archives and museum pieces such as architectural plans, numismatics, maps, posters and works of art. More than 50 items have been recognised as masterpieces by the Flemish government.