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News and articles about the Boekentoren

    • On loan

    Long-term loans

    Every year, the Boekentoren gives many objects on loan to museums in Belgium and far beyond. This brings works that are otherwise kept in the depot to the attention of the public. You can find an overview of our long-term loans here.

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    • On loan

    The Gates – On the edge of the city

    Bruikleen - Eeuwenlang vormden gigantische poorten de toegang tot de stad. Nu zijn ze verdwenen en vind je op die plaatsen dynamische en kleurrijke stadswijken. Deze tentoonstelling in het STAM laat je zien wat er de voorbije twee eeuwen gebeurde.

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    • On loan

    Reform of Life & Henry van de Velde mittendrin

    On loan - The exhibition is dedicated to the visionaries, producers and retailers in art between 1880 and 1930, of which Henry van de Velde was one of that group’s major representatives. Some pieces of furniture designed for the Boekentoren are on display.

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    • On loan

    Plastic Fantastic?

    Loan Boekentoren - On November 14th, not coincidentally the date of birth of Leo Baekeland, a new exhibition on the plastics industry will open in the Industrial Museum. Some items from the ephemera collection of the Book Tower will also be on display.

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    • Activities

    iPRES-congres on its way to Flanders

    Het Facilitair Bedrijf (Digitaal Archief Vlaanderen), meemoo, Vlaams instituut voor het archief and VRT, together with UGent, will be organizing iPRES, the major international conference on digital preservation in 2024.

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    • Collection
    • Masterpieces
    • Virginie Loveling

    A world at war: Lovelings war diary 1914-1918

    Virginie Loveling was 78 when World War I broke out. From day one, she kept a diary as a curious, opinionated witness. After her death, the manuscript, along with other ego documents, was deposited in the Ghent University Library. The war diary was recognised as a Flemish Masterpiece and is one of the 52 masterpieces in our heritage collection.

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    • News
    • Virginie Loveling

    A digital war diary: 4,000 images for the future

    Virginie Loveling's 1914-1918 war diary was digitised in 2023. The complex composition of the manuscript consisting of different types of leaves, bookmarks, wrappers, newspaper articles, fold-out pieces of text... eventually led to 4,000 images that can now be studied and used for inspiration.

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    • News
    • Collection
    • Masterpieces


    Tom Waes, together with historians, archeologists and other experts takes us back to our past in the documentary 'Het verhaal van Vlaanderen'. Episode three focuses on the dark Middle Ages and brings one of the masterpieces of our collection into the spotlight.

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