Heritage Day - Moving with the past!
On 27 April, the Boekentoren partakes in Heritage Day and is inviting you to a day of activities around the Higher Institute of Physical Education's special collection and the Book Tower's heritage collection.
On 27 April, the Boekentoren partakes in Heritage Day and is inviting you to a day of activities around the Higher Institute of Physical Education's special collection and the Book Tower's heritage collection.
Het Facilitair Bedrijf (Digitaal Archief Vlaanderen), meemoo, Vlaams instituut voor het archief and VRT, together with UGent, will be organizing iPRES, the major international conference on digital preservation in 2024.
On Sunday 21 April, it was time for Heritage Day, this time dedicated to 'Home'. But what makes a place a (real) home?
O1 December 2023 marked the 100th anniversary of the death of Virginie Loveling (1936-1923), one of Flanders' greatest writers, at the age of 87. The perfect moment to showcase one of our masterpieces: her war diary.